Rebecca Black-My Moment - 6 აგვისტოში 2011 - iFunStar.Tk- iFun2.Tk-ს ახალი მისამართი

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2. 14–16
3. 9–11
4. 16–ზე მეტი
5. 5–9
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4. თვეში ერთხელ
5. კვირაში რამდენჯერმე
6. კვირაში ერთხელ
სულ ხმები : 304

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სულ ხმები : 378

მთავარი » 2011 » აგვისტო » 6 » Rebecca Black-My Moment
3:09 PM
Rebecca Black-My Moment


Were you the one who said that I would be nothing
Well, I'm about to prove you wrong
I'm not the only one who believes in something
My one wish is about to come true

I'm not stopping for you
No matter what you do
I'll just keep on dreaming
My head up in the clouds when nobody is around to see...

This is my moment, my moment
It's my time, flying high, lime, mine
Feels like my moment, my moment
I've waited for so long
But now everybody knows this is my moment, my moment

It's my time, flying high, lime, mine
Feels like my moment, my moment
I've waited for so long
But now everybody knows this is my moment, my moment

You knew it all along, I was afraid of you
I thought I couldn't be myself
You tried to be my friend
But I wouldn't let you
Remember what you said
Don't miss out on your chance
Your life is in your hands
So take it just as far as you can
But trusting in youself, forget everyone else


This is my moment, my moment
It's my time, flying high, lime, mine
Feels like my moment, my moment
I've waited for so long
But now everybody knows this is my moment, my moment

It's my time, flying high, lime, mine
Feels like my moment, my moment
I've waited for so long
But now everybody knows

Haters, said I'll see you later
Can't talk to you right now
I'm getting my paper
Said I'm doing big things
Things you never dreamed of
I hope you are happy cause I'm 'bout to blow up

This is my moment, my moment
It's my time, flying high, lime, mine
Feels like my moment, my moment
I've waited for so long
But now everybody knows this is my moment, my moment

It's my time, flying high, lime, mine
Feels like my moment, my moment
I've waited for so long
But now everybody knows this is mymoment, mymom
კატეგორია: ვარსკლავები ★ | ნანახია: 601 | დაამატა: anuKi-TaY | რეიტინგი: 0.0/0
სულ კომენტარები: 0
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